Events - Client

Events here are to be used directly on the Client.


var client = new Discord.Client();


Signals that the library has connected successfully to Discord, received and sorted all immediate data, and is now ready to be interacted with.

client.on('ready', function(event) { });


The library has either disconnected from Discord or failed to log in after a .connect() call. If it's the former, the code will be a WebSocket Error Code (1xxx - 4xxx). If it's the latter, the code will be 0.

client.on('disconnect', function(errMsg, code) { });

Warning: disconnect event

It's recommended that you have a disconnect event listener with client.connect().


client.on('message', function(user, userID, channelID, message, event) { });
  • {String} user : The user's name.
  • {String} userID : The user's ID.
  • {String} channelID : The ID of the room where the bot received the message.
  • {String} message : The chat message.


client.on('presence', function(user, userID, status, game, event) { });
  • {String} user : The user's name.
  • {String} userID : The user's ID.
  • {String} status : The user's status. Currently observed: ['online', 'idle', 'offline']
  • {Object} game : The entire object containing the name (String), type (Number) and possibly url (String/null).


This event gives you ANY websocket message sent to your client. Useful if you want to create custom events for certain actions. The schema for these events are listed here:

client.on('any', function(event) { });

WebSocket camelCased events

These events are the WebSocket events automatically converted to camelCased Node events via a function in the backend. The final callback argument is the full WebSocket event.

WebSocket event Node event Callback Arguments
MESSAGE_CREATE messageCreate (username, userID, channelID, message)
MESSAGE_UPDATE messageUpdate (oldMsg?, newMsg)
PRESENCE_UPDATE presenceUpdate ()
USER_UPDATE userUpdate ()
USER_SETTINGS_UPDATE userSettingsUpdate ()
GUILD_CREATE guildCreate (server)
GUILD_UPDATE guildUpdate (oldServer, newServer)
GUILD_DELETE guildDelete (server)
GUILD_MEMBER_ADD guildMemberAdd (member)
GUILD_MEMBER_UPDATE guildMemberUpdate (oldMember, newMember)
GUILD_MEMBER_REMOVE guildMemberRemove (member)
GUILD_ROLE_CREATE guildRoleCreate (role)
GUILD_ROLE_UPDATE guildRoleUpdate (oldRole, newRole)
GUILD_ROLE_DELETE guildRoleDelete (role)
CHANNEL_CREATE channelCreate (channel)
CHANNEL_UPDATE channelUpdate (oldChannel, newChannel)
CHANNEL_DELETE channelDelete (channel)
VOICE_STATE_UPDATE voiceStateUpdate ()
VOICE_SERVER_UPDATE voiceServerUpdate ()
GUILD_MEMBERS_CHUNK guildMembersChunk ()

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