
Property Type
name String
id String<Snowflake>
guild_id String<Snowflake>
type String
topic String
position Number
permission_overwrites Array
last_message_id String<Snowflake>
members Object<Member>

Info: Duplicate ID

The initial #general channel shares the same ID as the server.

Channel {
  guild_id: '66192955777486848',
  type: 'text',
  topic: 'Landing site. Check out #discord-io and #d-zone ! | - Channel ID 66192955777486848',
  position: 0,
  permission_overwrites: [ { type: 'role', id: '66192955777486848', deny: 0, allow: 0 } ],
  name: 'general',
  last_message_id: '183596983758487552',
  id: '66192955777486848',
  members: {} }

results matching ""

    No results matching ""